Sunday, November 6, 2011

Barka Da Sallah !!!

Eid Mubarak!
Yay!  It’s Eid once again
This past month has been difficult.  Me and my family were not able to go to Hajj this year, so I applaud all the Muslims that could make the journey.  Mashallah.
But personally, I was in a really dark place, and whereas I could once see the light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how tiny a speck of light it was, this time I felt like I was shrouded by complete darkness.  I sort of pushed myself away from my friends, I finally allowed all the little things to get to me, and every day I spent mourning in self-pity.
Things finally started to get better around last week, and the first on my list to thank was Allah (SWT).  It’s easier than most people think to lose faith in yourself, faith in humanity, even faith in God but in the end, when things get better, I always remember who to thank.
.Renewal. Purification. Trust. Respect. Love. Faith. Congregation. Reunion. 
It’s the one time throughout the entire year after Ramadan where I get to see everyone’s beautiful faces, properly dressed, and with good intention. It scares me to know how far off we’ve all gotten, the community gone haywire. This is the one time I can cry of happiness and sadness. We’re moving on, the Times are getting closer, and we’ve only strayed farther. Let this be the time we all come together, let this be a time for us to reflect. Let us join once more and build things up again. Let us forgive each other and smile. Let’s make a change for the little ones coming after us, insha’Allah, Renewal. Purification. Trust. Respect. Love. Faith. Congregation. Reunion. 
It’s the one time throughout the entire year after Ramadan where I get to see everyone’s beautiful faces, properly dressed, and with good intention. It scares me to know how far off we’ve all gotten, the community gone haywire. This is the one time I can cry of happiness and sadness. We’re moving on, the Times are getting closer, and we’ve only strayed farther. Let this be the time we all come together, let this be a time for us to reflect. Let us join once more and build things up again. Let us forgive each other and smile. Let’s make a change for the little ones coming after us, insha’Allah. Eid Mubarak, my loves. 


And the pictures above were are  piks i took today just for EID !!! Allhmdulliah  may Allah continue to guide and protect us, Ameen!!


Haleematu (:

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